Graduate School of the Arts and Humanities (GSAH)


Soft Skills

Writing Retreat of the Graduate School of the Arts and Humanities

Date: September 30 (noon) to October 4 (noon), 2024

Venue: Hotel Möschberg, Grosshöchstetten (BE)

Costs: Travel costs will be covered by participants, costs for accommodation (single room) and meals are borne by the organizers.

ECTS: 2 (creditable in the Wahlpflichtbereich of the GSAH curriculum)

Language: flexible, depending on participants (D, E, F)

Are you in the middle of a writing assignment? Is the deadline approaching and there are still many pages to write? The GSAH writing retreat in September/October 2024 is aimed at doctoral students of all programs of the GSAH as well as Junior Fellows of the IFN who are in the intensive writing and final phase of their dissertation or other writing project (all languages). The writing retreat offers participants a structured time- out from everyday university life to pursue their own research. At the same time, the disciplinary exchange and networking of the participants is promoted. The daily schedule includes two to three intensive writing phases in the morning and afternoon as well as breaks and time for exercise/relaxation. If necessary, individually designed exchange rounds on text drafts and writing strategies or techniques can be coordinated. The aim is for participants to concentrate on their own writing project during this week and to advance it efficiently.


By 31 July to Melanie Sampayo Vidal ( with a short letter of motivation (half a page: outline of current writing work, relevance of a retreat for one's own curriculum, objectives for the retreat, concerns for the event). In case of great interest, we reserve the right to select the participants (limited places) according to the following criteria: number of already attended writing retreats, urgency of the writing project, diversity of disciplines and gender balance.