Diese von der Graduate School of the Humanities am Walter Benjamin Kolleg organisierten Kurse zur Aneignung überfachlicher akademischer und berufsvorbereitender Kompetenzen stehen prioritär allen Doktorierenden der GSH offen. Freie Plätze können je nach Anmeldeeingang an weitere Doktorierende, MA-Studierende, Postdocs und externe Interessierte vergeben werden.
This course aims to help students identify in what respects their writing needs improvement and to give them the opportunity to practice these aspects. To achieve these goals, we will identify and study a range of stylistic features, discuss matters of grammar and vocabulary, and practice writing diverse text types. Course participants will receive regular and individual feedback on their writing.
Dr. Orsolya Serkédi, Academic English Services, Universität Bern
Orsolya Serkédi is a lecturer in Academic English at the Academic English Services at the University of Bern. She received her summa cum laude PhD in Italian Studies at Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest, Hungary in 2015. Her English-language dissertation focused on the elements of fine arts in Pier Paolo Pasolini’s cinema. In addition to Italian, she studied English Linguistics and Literature; she completed teacher training at her host university and International House, a Cambridge Assessment centre. Before moving to Switzerland, she taught Academic English at Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest and the University of Birmingham, UK.