Schlüsselkonzepte der Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaften - Säkularität


Donnerstag, 28.11.2013, 18:15 Uhr

Prof. Dr. Volkhard Krech, Ruhr-Universität Bochum

Öffentlicher Vortrag im Rahmen der Reihe Interdisziplinäre Vorlesungen und Kolloquien zu Schlüsselkonzepten der Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaften des Doktoratsprogramms Interdisciplinary Cultural Studies

Veranstaltende: Interdisciplinary Cultural Studies | Graduate School of the Humanities | Walter Benjamin Kolleg
Redner, Rednerin: Prof. Dr. Volkhard Krech, Ruhr-Universität Bochum
Datum: 28.11.2013
Uhrzeit: 18:15 - 19:30 Uhr
Ort: Raum F013
Lerchenweg 36
3012 Bern
Merkmale: Öffentlich

Säkularität (Kolloquium)

Prof. Dr. Volkhard Krech, Ruhr-Universität Bochum
Prof. Dr. Frank Peter, Universität Bern

Datum: 29.11.2013
Zeit: 09:15 - 17:45 Uhr
Ort: Universität Bern, Unitobler, Lerchenweg 36, Raum F013

Volkhard Krech, born in 1962, is professor of Religious Studies at Bochum University, Germany, and director of the International Research Consortium on “Dynamics in the History of Religions” as well as of the Center for Religious Studies (CERES). His main research interests cover the theory of religion and history of religions, religious pluralisation and globalisation, processes of sacralisation, religion and violence, religion and art, and history of Religious Studies. His publications include Georg Simmels Religionstheorie (1998), Religionssoziologie (1999), Wissenschaft und Religion. Studien zur Geschichte der Religionsforschung in Deutschland 1870-1933 (2002), “Sacrifice and Holy War: A Study of Religion and Violence” (in: W. Heitmeyer and J. Hagan [eds.]: International Handbook of Violence Research, 2003), “The Religious Field between Globalization and Regionalization: Comparative Perspectives” (with Stefan Huber, in: Bertelsmann Stiftung [ed.], What the World Believes: Analysis and Commentary on the Religion Monitor 2008, 2009), a commentary on Georg Simmel’s Die Religion (2011) and Wo bleibt die Religion? Studien zur Ambivalenz des Religiösen in der modernen Gesellschaft (2011).

Frank Peter's research examines "Islam" and "Europe" (with an emphasis on France) as co-constituting entities. Secularism, religious authority, political Islam and historical memory are at the centre of this ongoing project. In past work I addressed the social and economic history of late-Ottoman and mandate Syria. It explored the interconnectedness of French and British imperialism with the creation of national economies in the Middle East.